by P.C. Cast, Kristin Cast, Caitlin Davies
'Do you know why Nyx didn't destroy me when I chose to Fall? Because Nyx is a true Goddess - loving, benevolent, loyal, and kind. You? You are a petulant child, a pretender, and a usurper. No matter how much vengeance you spew or how much chaos you cause, you will never be a Goddess!' Redeemed sta...
Hear ye hear ye, oh gentle people who read Fangs: it has been a long journey, there have been lows and… well, lower lows. There has been suffering and sadness (all mine) and even glee (when a book is finished) but I have finally finished Redeemed and, with it, completed the entire House of Night Ser...
So this is the last book of the series. And even though I liked the story I am glad that it is finished. It feels like it dragged on in the end, making me feel like there should have been 8 books in the series instead of 12. But, I did finish the whole series, the story was good enough for me to wan...
I'm not reviewing this really. I just have a few things I would like to point out about this series end. Nothing annoys me more than finishing a series but having gaping holes left over. 1. Zoey has a brother and sister. Wth happened to them? Her mother died. Did they stay with the cheating stepda...
Read by Sarah: Redeemed is the 12th book in the series (Marked is the first). Loved the series, and loved finally finishing it! Recommended for ages 14+
There are so many things I wish I could say about this book but can't due to spoilers. I will say that I really did enjoy this book and thought it is the perfect ending to the series and tied everything up.
PC and Kristin Cast really out do themselves when it comes from being disgusting . Thankfully, after Redeemed I’ll never have to read a House of Night book by them again. No, I’m not even going to talk about possible spinoffs. So, we’re going to forget about that. Right now. Not even going to gi...
This was a great way to wrap up the series! Sad to see it end but it was great!
Really good, even with it ending I would've loved to be more engrossed in the world with Neferet out of the story, because I really loved Zoey. Perfect ending.
I really need to find some new series. SO MANY ENDINGS in 2014. Neferet. What to say about Neferet. Crazed psycho bee-och that needs to die? That about covers it. Zo and her Nerd Herd face off with Nefert, fighting with Lightness to defeat Darkness in this, yes, the final book in the House of Night...