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Completed Series Rating⭐️4.5 stars⭐️
For about a week, my library-rented copy of Dawn of the Arcana sits on a messy, disorganized side table, under at least a dozen other books I thought I would end up reading first. I didn't think much of it, assuming that I'd get to it after I had finally exhausted all my literary comprehension resou...
Well, this volume sure was fun . . . uh, well no, actually, it kind of wasn't. All the characters I started to get to know in the first volume suddenly switched completely around - the meaner character was a complete angel, and the two nicer characters became biased, judgemental, unforgiving, hate-f...
So, I've had this one in my to-reads for over a year now, and I just never got around to reading it. We were at BNN today and my sister said the premise looked lame, so I just kind of shrugged and bought the first volume. (Don't ask me why that makes sense - because it doesn't really. My sister and ...
Eh. Not bad but I did have a quibble or two with Nakaba and I just wanted to stab Ceaser and his entire family. What jerks.