"Rescued," an e-short story related to the Missing series, will be available August 5. "Rescued" provides a bridge between RISKED and REVEALEDReturn to the world of The Missing with an original e-short story!Katherine and Jonah have just saved the Grand Duchesses Anastasia and Maria, as well as...
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"Rescued," an e-short story related to the Missing series, will be available August 5. "Rescued" provides a bridge between RISKED and REVEALEDReturn to the world of The Missing with an original e-short story!Katherine and Jonah have just saved the Grand Duchesses Anastasia and Maria, as well as their brother the tsarevitch Alexei Romanov. Although the Romanovs are devastat
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Format: ebook
9781481430944 (1481430947)
Pages no: 60
Edition language: English
Series: The Missing (#6)