I remember being intimidated by Basic Chess Endings when I was younger. Even today it's a big, daunting book and I'm still too scared to devote the time to learning how to mate with a bishop and knight.Okay, so that's not really the point of the book, but the endgame is one of my least favourite par...
A solid read, I especially enjoyed the theoretical diagrams strewn throughout the book. It really helped to see those patterns occur in games -- this is exactly the sort of repetition needed to pull off these tricks in a game situation. I wish there had been more complete games, as I quite enjoy see...
There's been a long discussing thread this week on my review of Scott Pilgrim vs The World. I started off by complaining that I found the movie hard to appreciate, since I'm not part of the video game generation and the references aren't natural for me. Many younger people countered by saying that t...