by Larissa Ione
"But gods, he was incredible. Standing in the UG parking lot, he'd looked like a giant goth biker, wrapped in leather and chains, his massive boots sporting wicked talons at the tips. Even the backs of his fingerless gloves were adorned with metal studs at the knuckles. She'd always hated the tough-... Revenant is dark, sexy, and utterly thrilling. The nonstop action keeps you on the edge of your seat while the love story is one that will ultimately make you sigh. Best of all, author Larissa Ione keeps you guessing as to ...
How do I summarize a story that has been in the making for ten whole books (well at least five books)?! Revenant is not only the wonderful story of a broken male finding love, but the exciting culmination and climax of the ultimate battle between the heavens and underworld that began back with the ...