by Lucas Bale, Michael Patrick Hicks
The idea of a participant in a “live” tv show is nothing new and has been done both in the past with the excellent Running Man written by Stephen King writing as Richard Bachman and more recently The Hunger Games. Revolver attempts to be a political statement using the persona of Cara Jones as a dow...
It's rare that I read a book that is so realistic that it scares me. With our current political landscape, medical rights being removed from women, religion trumping democracy, and the current debates regarding gun control, this short story is becoming more and more relevant every day.People will ei...
An excellent short from Michael Patrick Hicks that reads much larger than its word count and packs quite a punch. Waging war on poverty, one person at a time.
I felt like this short story was over the top politically, even though I generally agree with the points it makes. It's more effective to show the world you're writing about and let the reader make up his/her own mind than to beat us over the head with a political agenda. It also was so reminiscent ...
Wow. Just... Wow. This is easily making my Best of 2015 list. Revolver, by Michael Patrick Hicks, is reminiscent of Alan Moore's V for Vendetta, Stephen King/Richard Bachman's The Running Man, and George Orwell's 1984. Yes, you read that correctly. I consider Revolver on par with all three of those ...