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Rhiannon Frater
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Community Reviews
Kriss Morton - In the Loft of the Cabin Goddess
Not as good as book one and two. The end made it a four star or I would have rated it a three. It was WAY to damn preachy and really went out on a limb. I had to go and read it again after listening to it on my Fire HD. I was ready to pull my hair out I was so blown away with how far it went off the...
If wishes were horses...
If wishes were horses... rated it 12 years ago
There is something going on in Zombie books that I don't fully understand. The idea of a small group of people building a fort to stand against a feared hoard of some kind seems to be a recurring theme in fiction and film. Because I don't really understand the mindset, when I read these stories I ...
Leea's Kindle & Coffee Blog
Leea's Kindle & Coffee Blog rated it 12 years ago
Perfect ending to an heart stopping, pulse racing, laugh out loud funny Trilogy by Ms. Frater. 5 stars... “So many ways to die,” Jenni said with a sigh from the backseat.I find myself feeling like i've just stood on top the old hotel while a Siege of Zombies is racing towards the fort, my fate unkno...
Woman Reading
Woman Reading rated it 12 years ago
I'm going to give this review my best shot, but I can already tell that this is going to be a tough one for me. Katie, Jenni and the gang have made a home. A home that another group of survivors (including a senator) want to take over. Horrible things happen, and people we love don't make it. It h...
JennyJen rated it 13 years ago
**No spoilers.2.5 starsThis one is tough to rate, because while I don't hate it, I far from love it. This entire series has endless potential, but it’s drowned by trite and tiresome muck. There is, however, a good story lost in all the muck. My main gripe and what ultimately ruined this series for m...
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