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BR with Tara and Elsbeth, who have been awesome, because they’ve been subjected to my whines about this book and still want to talk to me.2.5 starsThis series just isn’t for me. I still think it’s weird how I could really like Rhys Ford’s Cole McGinnis series, but had trouble with the writing in thi...
BR with Elsbeth and Susan who is the very, very bestest on Friday 21 August. Susan is the bestest because she read it all even though she did not enjoy it. She does so much for me. I still have issues with some things but I can't seem to bring myself to care anymore. Absolutely adored Forest. I mean...
2.5 starsRounded down for editing. Seriously. This book. There are things I wanted to like including the OTT of the whole thing. Ultimately, the insta-love, overwriting, and damsel in distress trope just drove me nuts.
I truly enjoy the sinners series and the perfect Morgan clan. and that ending?!? Another Morgan?
Really loved it! Review will follow at some point.