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I have a mad crush on Jon Stewart. I don't think there has been more than one or two things that I have disagreed with him on and I laugh hysterically when I watch the Daily Show. I loved America (The Book): A Citizen's Guide to Democracy Inaction so I am very disappointed that this one fell flat. I...
3.5 starsI love Jon Stewart. I love The Daily Show. If you feel the same, you'll like this audiobook as well. It is written to guide the alien visitors after the ultimate demise of the human race (we all know it's coming, just not which way we're going...too many options). It is read by Jon Stewart ...
I listened to this one while knitting. It was pretty funny, and I enjoyed it. There were some LOL moments, and "penis anthrax" totally had me giggling for like 10 minutes. This is written as though it's to be left in a time capsule for aliens who will find their way to Earth after humanity has been ...
There were a few slightly funny bits in this book, and there were a few insights delivered with that sharp satire that Jon Stewart and his team do so well. But for the most part, I found this book to be really boring. I just didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would.
This was pretty hilarious! The POV on this is after humans have gone away and aliens have come to Earth to learn about our planet. Jon Stewart explains just about everything there is to know about our planet. From sciences to government types to entertainment to the planet's landmasses, no stone goe...