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Rich Leder
Rich Leder's Books
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Irresponsible Reader
Irresponsible Reader rated it 7 years ago
Kate McCall is an actress struggling to make it -- she's had a few dozen jobs to support her acting (and her son while he was growing up), and is now a building manager, dog walker and off-off-off Broadway actress (I'm probably leaving off a couple of "off"s there). One recurring gig has been helpin...
Irresponsible Reader
Irresponsible Reader rated it 8 years ago
Let There Be Linda is hard to describe briefly -- it's like Eoin Colfer's Daniel McEvoy books with a touch of magic, Elmore Leonard trying to write like Neil Gaiman, or is it Gaiman trying to write like Leonard? Leder says he's inspired by Monty Python here -- I think he's close, but it's more A Fis...
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