Richard A. Cohen;Laura C. Schlessinger
There is no way this man is a "former" homosexual. He either was always straight or is still gay and lying to himself and to everyone else. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO CHANGE YOUR SEXUALITY! You either are homosexual or not, and you can't change it. It is appalling that some people, in this day and age, thi...
All I have to say is:Also, something a bit steamier:OHH LALA
I am going out to buy this book now! *rolls eyes*Please note this books title tells me this is a piece of shit and I won't give someone like that man money!
I LOVE THIS AUTHOR. I absolutely think Mr. Cohen is adorable. My rating has therefore nothing to do with his sparkling and sympathetic personality, but with the book, which I read. Yup. Totally read it.By the way, this reminds me..A while ago, I was having lunch here in Amsterdam with a friend durin...