Richard H. Thaler
Birth date: September 12, 1945
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3.5 stars on Booklikes (this rounds down to 3 stars on Goodreads). Continuing my obsession with behavioral economics. Having read The Undoing Project and Thinking, Fast and Slow, I was familiar with many of the concepts and examples discussed in Nudge, but still, Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein ...
December bookclub read for my sit in bookclub and when I checked in my book shop for this Book and was directed to the ECONOMICS/BUSINESS section I did quite a bit of eye rolling, I had automatically decided I wasn't going to like this book and as christmas reading goes this was going to be a taxin...
A series of essays that read like an ode to science. Good poetry makes you feel your way to understanding, and these essays let you understand by feeling and just gives enough to whet you curiosity on the topic and give you further ideas for further listening.This book would make a great first scien...
bookshelves: essays, gr-library, nonfiction, published-2013, environmental-issues, tbr-busting-2014, winter-20132014, sciences, psychology, under-500-ratings, next, abandoned, skim-through Read on February 24, 2013 Arrogant title, let see what it delivers! 1. EVOLUTION BY MEANS OF NATURAL SELECTI...
Nudge is like making a default choice so that people tend to not make a choice could benefit nevertheless.OK. Study show that people tend not to make changes on their default tone settings on their phone, even if they have a lot more choices.People have automatic (system 1) thinking and reflective (...