Description from Amazon: "The ties that bind can be the worst kind! The West Coast Avengers fight demons, robots, zombies and more in this collection of eighties extravaganzas! The Grim Reaper wants his brother dead, and Ultron wants his father dead - leaving the Vision and Scarlet Witch between ...
This whole series was written in a series of super-serious exclamations! I'm not kidding! Every single sentence was written like this! Even questions, you ask? Well, no, not those! Those ended with question marks, obviously, but exclamation marks all around otherwise! Can you imagine rea...
Artwork: 8/10Story: 8/10Character exploration: 9/10General feeling: 8/10Why am I doing this: 7/10Am I just rating things randomly: 10/10Iron Man is really cool: 10/10As in really cool: 10/10Yeah this is just a gimmick: 10/10I should stop soon: 7/10Just once more: 8/10Iron Man: 10/10So, now to take a...