bookshelves: one-penny-wonder, series, paper-read, published-1961, winter-20142015, tbr-busting-2015, wwii, germany, britain-wales, cover-love Read from September 10, 2013 to January 10, 2015 Description: This, the first volume in Hughes's trilogy "The Human Predicament", takes rich young Augus...
if i really have to judge or rate or whatever, it might be a four star book.I don't think this is a book for children, I don't think so. It's story about children, but I'm not sure I'd want my future-children to read it though they might enjoy it tremendously. For one thing, the book doesn't infanti...
This is a weird and disturbing book. Too much so for me to be honest, which is what loses it a fifth star, because I can't quite give it that accolade even though I recognize the craft behind what Hughes did. It's a story about a group of children, but this is not children's fiction. The original ti...
Opening: BOOK ONEPolly and RachelChapter 1Only the steady creaking of a flight of swans disturbed the silence, labouring low overhead with outstretched necks towards the sea.
3.5 stars. An odd & fairly riveting mix of innocence & fun amid the macabre & inhumane. It's also a fascinating study of being civilized vs. uncivilized (in respect to children vs. adults, 'civilized' folks vs. pirates, etc...), moral vs. amoral, & thoughts/perceptions vs. reality. It can be read as...