A humorous tale of a town bustling with ghosts. The living villagers are accustomed to the deceased going about their business around them - but an element of chaos is introduced when a supernatural pirate ship appears in a turnip patch, and begins to dispense a heavenly rum to both living and dead....
I gave it three stars based solely on "The Monkey's Paw". I've always liked that story.
To be honest, I thought this book was going to be all ghost stories written BY Roald Dahl. Sadly, I was mistaken. (It was my own fault for not reading the blurb properly) But as I read the introduction, I got more excited. Dahl explains that he was supposed to adapt some of the stories in the book f...
wonderfully spooky older horror and supernatural tales by both familiar and less familiar authors. highly recommended.
If you never read another horror anthology, if you even hate horror, you should read this one anthology just to make sure you round out your literary background. The one essential classic anthology that has NEVER been bettered since it was first published. Cannot really be compared to anything els...