by Darwyn Cooke
Great adaptation of Stark's novel of the same name. If anything this adds to the fantastic Parker story rather than simply retelling it in graphic novel form.
hard not to love what darwyn does. i love his art: the energy, life, and design. i just read an article they posted on his parker books that he did while he was the long beach comic con last week, and remembered that i'd never posted about these. i'm giving this one a four though initially i had a f...
Parker had evened the score with the Outfit, or so he thought. After extensive facial reconstruction surgery, Parker is identified by a squealer, outing him to his enemies. Parker realizes that the fight isn't yet over and he intends to finish it!So, while I did like this book, I wasn't into it as...
Even slowly savoring the images, this is an hour's delight, an icy tumbler of gin on a snowday. 3 stars for the story, 'though (as my pals brian and Greg have been arguing) you sink into Stark not for a given novel but for the mastery of the series. (Having just re-read Hammett's Red Harvest, it's...