I've worked as a cook, a city photographer, a Director of Human Resources, a Waldorf High School teacher, a psychotherapist, an author, and a drummer. I was born in southeastern Massachusetts, lived in Maine for ten years, and now live in Santa Fe, New Mexico. We are a family of musicians. In May...
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I've worked as a cook, a city photographer, a Director of Human Resources, a Waldorf High School teacher, a psychotherapist, an author, and a drummer. I was born in southeastern Massachusetts, lived in Maine for ten years, and now live in Santa Fe, New Mexico. We are a family of musicians. In May 2016 my wife and I celebrated our 32nd wedding anniversary. Our son, Mike, is 24. I have four unofficially-adopted grown daughters who I have made part of my "adult family": Nipanjana, Javeria, Neha, and Deepika.I've hosted community drum circles in Massachusetts, Maine, and New Mexico for the last 20 years. I'm the drummer in a blues band and in two kirtan bands. I enjoy reading fantasy and sci-fi, motorcycling, computers, photography, videography, building drum mallets and beaters, beadwork, cooking, and hiking. I'm a culture freak. I love the country of India and its people and I have lots of pueblo Indian friends here in New Mexico.When I was in my 20s, I wrote "God Should Have Worked on Sunday," a parody of the Old Testament. It was only meant to make my friends and family laugh. I never dreamed it would be published 30+ years later. I still won't let Amazon.com sell that one. I stand on street corners selling them in plain, brown paper wrappers out of my trenchcoat . People can get a bit touchy about the Bible.The first book I wrote for publication was "Freestyle Community Drum Circles" in 2010. My next project is to write an improved, revised, and expanded edition. "My Life Cracks Me Up" was released in 2011. That was the easiest and most fun book to write. It's my life in funny stories. It's the one book I wouldn't change except to add a fourth section in a decade or two and call it "Old Farthood.""MIXED NUTS" has been my most difficult book to write. Psychotherapy is very personal for clients and clinicians. It's easy to be funny and flippant in the office, face-to-face with a client. It's much more difficult to do in writing and with such a serious subject. I didn't want MiXED NUTS to be a dull, boring textbook or a joke book. My challenge was to put my honest self out there and share what I've experienced and learned in an easy-to-read and entertaining way.Subscribe to my website and you'll receive MiXED NUTS stories that weren't included in the book:http://synthrick.tripod.com/mixednuts/
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