Riders of the Purple Sage
Format: kindle
Book Club,
Adult Fiction,
Historical Fiction,
20th Century,
Kanab, Utah. Kanab is transparently the town of Cottonwoods, for anyone who's been there. (incidentally, Kanab is a rough transliteration of a native american word meaning "willows", so yeah...) Me, I only lived there 5 months, but that red dirt is in my soul and I ache to go back always. Kana...
I read a lot of westerns when I was young - mostly Louis L'Amour and Zane Grey. I recall preferring Grey; maybe L'Amour's sagas were too complex for me. Still, I never got around to Riders of the Purple Sage, so when I saw this for free, I thought I'd go back to those childhood days for a visit.Read...
Set in the Utah of 1871, it deals with a Mormon woman, heir to a ranch, resisting pressures to become a junior wife of a Mormon elder. I tried this because it's recommended on The Ultimate Reading List in the Western section. This is Zane Grey's most famous novel, supposedly one that set the mold fo...
There's a decent story in there if you can get past all the "pretty" writing.
A sharp clip-crop of the iron-shod hoofs deadened and died away, and clouds of yellow dust drifted from under the cottonwoods out over the sage.So begins Zane Grey's best known Western, Riders of the Purple Sage. Originally published in 1912, Riders of the Purple Sage has been called the most popula...