In Ringworld and Ringworld Engineers Larry Niven created Known Space, a universe in the distant future with a distinctive and complicated history. The centre of this universe is Ringworld, an expansive hoop-shaped relic 1 million miles across and 600 million miles in circumference that is home...
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In Ringworld and Ringworld Engineers Larry Niven created Known Space, a universe in the distant future with a distinctive and complicated history. The centre of this universe is Ringworld, an expansive hoop-shaped relic 1 million miles across and 600 million miles in circumference that is home to some 30 trillion diverse inhabitants. As in his past novels, Niven's characters in The Ringworld Throne spend their time unravelling the complex problems posed by their society.
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9780722164068 (0722164068)
Edition language: English
Series: Ringworld (#1)
Rozpoczynając przygodę z tą serią początkowo nie mogłem się odnaleźć w specyficznym stylu autora książek. Jednak sam fabuła była na tyle interesująca, że po pewnym czasie wchłonęła mnie bez reszty. Tajemnica pierścienia oraz wartka akcja i mnóstwo przygód bohaterów powoduje, że czyta się ją z zapart...
The image is as powerful as anything in science fiction: an artificial, constructed world—a spinning ring orbiting a star at an incredible speed, its dimensions measured not in the thousands of miles (as Earth and its sister planets are) but in the millions and billions of miles. The inner surface o...
Ringworld is definitely a sci-fi classic, a monumental achievement in world building. Any sci-fi aficionados who don’t like it should be ashamed of themselves.Argh! It’s never pleasant to go against the conventional wisdom but over at PrintSF (online SF discussion community) I see a lot of comments ...
Re-read in 2014 of a novel I read on the 1980’s.Ringworld was still an enjoyable read after picking it up again after 25 years. The action as described along with the science being detailed make this a book that all SF fans should read at least once. Characterization does not really seem to be one o...
Re-read in 2014 of a novel I read on the 1980’s.Ringworld was still an enjoyable read after picking it up again after 25 years. The action as described along with the science being detailed make this a book that all SF fans should read at least once. Characterization does not really seem to be one o...