Rinko Ueda
Birth date: September 30, 1970
Rinko Ueda's Books
4 starsThis is the final volume, and the rating was dinged because of the rushed ending. I loved the rest of the book, but the ending seemed slapped together and left me asking, "That's it??"
Go get him, Sumi!!!Full review soon.
Love this series! Review soon
The only interesting part of this particular volume is, strangely enough, the author's honest comic at the end of the book depicting her struggles of raising her first child.
When I first picked up the first 3 volumes I wasn't expecting much,to me it looked like every other girly manga I've ever seen as ne'er read. I mean SERIOUSLY a romantic ninja adventure?!? You've GOT to be kidding me :| It was so super cute I absolutely loved it!!!! ^.^Usagi is this hopeless ninja ...