by Megan Derr
3.5 stars Risk It All is a novella set in the "Dance With the Devil" universe. At first, the tag "polyamory" made me a bit reluctant -- I admit I'm a vanilla in terms of sex partners, I prefer only two person involved. But, I was intrigued with the beautiful dragons, plus this was only around 24,00...
Megan Derr's books are my guilty pleasure. It got started because Dance with the Devil was the first M/M fantasy book I ever read (didn't even know they existed before that, I'd just seen slash fiction online), and I loved it. Her books follow more or less the same formula, with at least one of the ...
3.5Megan Derr has always been my guilty pleasure read. Not so much "guilty" but still. It's not that I don't recognise the flaws, it's that they really really don't hinder the stories for me. The stories read like fairy tales and even the questionable behaviour (especially in this series - issues li...