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Rob Sinclair
Rob began writing in 2009 following a promise to his wife, an avid reader, that he could pen a 'can't put down' thriller. Dance with the Enemy, the story of embattled intelligence agent Carl Logan, was Rob's first published novel and the first in a series of novels following Carl Logan. The... show more

Rob began writing in 2009 following a promise to his wife, an avid reader, that he could pen a 'can't put down' thriller. Dance with the Enemy, the story of embattled intelligence agent Carl Logan, was Rob's first published novel and the first in a series of novels following Carl Logan. The second novel in the series, Rise of the Enemy, will be released on 30 April 2015. Rob is a qualified accountant. He has worked for a global accounting firm since graduating from The University of Nottingham in 2002, specialising in forensic fraud investigations at both national and international levels. Originally from the North East of England, Rob has lived and worked in a number of fast paced cities, including New York, and is now settled in the West Midlands with his wife and young sons.
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Community Reviews
The Reading Shed
The Reading Shed rated it 8 years ago
This is a fast paced Thriller by Rob Sinclair which had me gripped from the very start. Dark Fragments is one of those books that you want to put down because you don’t like what you are reading yet you need to pick it up to know what is happening next. The characters arnt the type one would like to...
Between The Lines
Between The Lines rated it 10 years ago
Author: Rob Sinclair Published: May 2014 by Clink Street Publishing Category: Crime/Mystery/Suspense Carl Logan was the perfect agent. A loner, with no real friends or family, he was trained to deal with any situation with cold efficiency, devoid of emotion. But Logan isn’t the man he used to be,...
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