"Wolfsbane and Mistletoe" is short story collection from well-known authors who have been asked to write stories with two elements to them: Werewolves and Christmas, an unusual combination that is meant to provoke some even more unusual tales. This is a re-read for me, to get me into the Christmas...
Hooray for more Cal, Niko and Robin, but 1/2 a star off for the cliffhanger ending. I didn't see that coming, because Ms. Thurman doesn't make a habit of it. Aside from the way the book ended (or didn't end), there was action, snark, and great writing aplenty.
Still, Grendels weren’t above using humans, and most humans weren’t above being used. The monsters were there for anyone who just opened his eyes and looked. But ignorance is bliss and there were billions of blissful people in this world. Maybe stupidity was a demon all its own. Funny thing ab...
3 StarsWhen a group of friends on Goodreads decided to read this book, I thought it sounded like a great idea and joined in. This book was an okay read for me. It had some really strong moments that I loved. It also had some moments that I thought were more than a little boring. The beginning of...
Anthology all centered on boots of one kind or another It was I feel a lower than average anthology in that I skipped a lot of stories. I should count those toward the rating but since I didn't give those stories a chance to play out, I didn't include them in this rating. From the stories I read the...