Robert Crumb
Birth date: August 30, 1943
Robert Crumb's Books is immediately apparent are the abundant errors present in the text of this garrulous book. The typos and misprints are so numerous I am surprised Alexander Theroux allowed the trade edition to be placed ...
The first book I have ever given 1 star. Full review to come.
God is Disappointed in You by Mark Russell is anything but disappointing. That goofy guy who used to sit behind a star-spangled baby grand and sing about ridiculous politicians has now taken on the Bible. This retelling is accurate, but irreverent. Ironies, inconsistencies, and Pharisees abound. And...
Fantastic little book. As wonderful as the trading cards are, though, the music itself is the real draw - listen to the CD, make yourself a radio station online, enjoy.
Through his illustrations, Crumb draws attention to parts of Genesis we might otherwise elide over or interpret differently. The amount of pagan worship apparently engaged in by our protagonists is highlights by, for example, the number of times oil is poured over just-erected standing stones. The v...