by Robert Dinsdale This is a story about a magical toyshop in the heart of Mayfair, just at the beginning of WWI. A young girl, Cathy, is pregnant and not at all happy with her parent's plans to send her to a 'home' where her baby will be sold to adoptive parents and she can try to pick up the thr...
This novel takes us from 1906 to 1953 in the life of Papa Jack's Emporium in which toys are miraculously brought to life to the delight of shoppers in the winter months. It is also the story of Cathy Wray who finds herself arriving there in 1906 and her development alongside the Godman family who ru...
Beautifully written book, the sadness of the children is compelling. I cried at the end, and a book hasn't moved me like that for a long time. Highly recommended.