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Robert Goolrick
Robert Goolrick's Books
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I book on Monday
I book on Monday rated it 8 years ago
Un nuevo ejemplo de escritores que disfrutan alargando inútilmente sus novelas, para mayor gloria de las empresas de transportes (que tarifan según el peso de los bultos) y en perjuicio de la selva amazónica, que ve disminuir a pasos agigantados la reserva forestal para imprimir cienes y cienes de l...
A Tale of Two Pages
A Tale of Two Pages rated it 9 years ago
***Very adult themed novel. I do not recommend this for anyone under the age of 21***Catherine is the worst sort of woman out there. But she markets herself as a reliable woman who would make a good wife. She answers an ad placed in a paper by Ralph Truitt and soon is on her way across country via t...
KOMET rated it 10 years ago
Robert Goolrick's memoir "THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT" reads as much as a confessional as it does a way for him to understand himself, his family, and the influence -- both good and ill -- his parents exerted on him throughout his life. Goolrich grew up in Virginia during the 1950s and 1960s....
Listening to the Silence
Listening to the Silence rated it 10 years ago
In this semi-autobiographical novel, author Robert Goolrick takes us to Wall Street in the boom era of the 1980s. For those men on the Street, life was a never ending party. Loose women, fast cars, high fashion, and an endless supply of drugs and alcohol fueled their nights. But it was also the adve...
Darth Pedant
Darth Pedant rated it 10 years ago
I kind of can't be bothered reviewing this one. In place of an actual review, I shall paraphrase the comment I made at the 64% mark, which pretty well sums up my reading experience:Reading this book was like being bludgeoned over the head with the Literary Hammer of Impending DOOM. And remember, f...
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