No i wróciła mi wiara w Harrisa. Autor powrócił tu do często przez siebie poruszanej tematyki związanej z drugą wojną światową i tym razem nie zawiódł. Choć sama kwestia rakiet V2 – zapewne głównie z powodu mojej niewiedzy – nie wydawała mi się szczególnie atrakcyjna, to jednak zaryzykowałem sięgnię...
Moje bezgraniczne zaufanie do Roberta Harrisa trochę niestety ostatnio przygasa. Kilka ostatnich tytułów nie zainteresowało mnie na tyle, żeby po nie sięgnąć (co nie znaczy, że nigdy już tego nie zrobię), a niniejsza książka, której opis wydawał się bardziej interesujący, w ostatecznym rozrachunku n...
A stunning trilogy. Robert Harris has accomplished what many historical authors may aspire to but few attain. He has created an ancient Rome alive with the sights, the sounds, the smells of a city towards the latter years of the republic. He has painted a picture in my mind of warring commanders: Po...
If the Dreyfus case had a script then “An officer and a spy” would surely be that document. Once again Robert Harris selects a time of extreme importance in history and by careful research and a cast of shadowy characters produces a work of some importance. It is a time of great social upheaval and ...
The 1969/1970 comedy Up Pompeii starred British comedian Frankie Howerd as put upon slave Lurcio always ready and willing to spread a little gossip from his adopted Roman household. Now in no way am I trying to suggest or draw a comparison between Lurcio and Tiro (personal secretary to Cicero) but u...
September 1938, the world is on the brink of war. Hitler has his eyes set on Czechoslovakia, bringing the Sudeten-Germans into the Reich. At the eve of the invasion, Britain's prime minister Chamberlain tries everything to prevent open war. But is peace worth any cost? That's actually the question...
The owner of a big hedgefund company, Alex Hoffman, physicist and inventor of an algorithm that could revolutionize trading, is attacked one evening in his home in Geneva. After getting checked at hospital which got him the recommendation to visit his neurologist with the headscans that were taken, ...
Nie jest już tajemnicą, że pana Harrisa czytam wszystko (mimo że w chwili pisania tej recenzji mam już pewne zaległości...). Przeczytałem więc i to, zwłaszcza, że tematyka konklawe sama w sobie jest ciekawa i intrygująca. Podobało mi się – napisane to jest bez zadęcia "anty" ani "pro". I choć osta...
This is a good conclusion to the series. If you know the history, the ending isn't really a surprise. What Harris does extremely well is paint ancient Rome. It is a wonderful read about ancient politics.
I obtained a hardback copy of this novel through a giveaway and thank Ash (@FTLOBOOKS) for her kindness and for the opportunity. I freely chose to review it. Robert Harris is a familiar name for most readers and moviegoers. His novels and popular and many have been adapted to the screen (I particula...
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