Robert K. Massie
Birth date: January 01, 1929
Robert K. Massie's Books
I enjoyed this book a lot: it’s an entertaining and accessible biography that is nevertheless serious and thorough, and with a fascinating subject to boot. Born a princess in a tiny German principality in the early 18th century, Catherine (actually named Sophia, until the then-Empress of Russia rena...
bookshelves: published-1980, re-visit-2015, paper-read, film-only, winter-20142015, adventure, author-love, betrayal, biography, bullies, casual-violence, character-growth, epic-proportions, eye-scorcher, families, games-people-play, history, lifestyles-deathstyles, lit-richer, massacre, military-m...
A very detailed, but nonetheless accessible, account of the first month of World War 1 that focuses on the military history of the main combatants. I was glad that I already had a reasonable understanding of the political situation that led to the outbreak of war as this is not the focus of the book...
I actually listened to the audiobook read by Naomi May, who was a great narrator. Unfortunately as interesting as the book subject was and as good as her narration was, I could not get into this book. History was never my best subject (that would be math), but I do remember bits and pieces about W...