Robert Löhr
Birth date: January 17, 1973
Robert Löhr's Books
Goethe und Schiller gehen in eine Kneipe und diskutieren über die Evolution. Das ist nicht der Beginn eines sehr dämlichen Witzes sondern dieses Buches. Wobei der Unterschied zwischen beidem sowieso fließend ist. Ohne Frage sind dem Buch alberne Witze, Wortspiele und Anspielungen um einiges wichtige...
Why: the translator described it this way: There's a novel by Robert Löhr called The Secrets of the Chess Machine about the famous chess-playing automaton that caused a sensation at the court of Maria Theresa. Löhr's flight of fancy is that there was a dwarf who supposedly operated the machinery. It...
Translated from the German by Anthea Bell and narrated by Stephen Hoy. I would love to see a film of this book.