This was a beast! It's broken into five sections and each one tells the story of Ash's shenanigans with the Necronomicon, deadites, Evil Ash and time travel. This has been a treat to read! It is full of time travel, Ash goobering up his one task to destroy the book over and over, fighting and ...
In a small town in the US, a serial killer strikes, out for revenge. The body count is high and there’s plenty of blood and violence. The central character discovers who the culprit is. The series is also about the effects of bullying, a phenomenon of the US and UK. With reasonably clear black-and-w...
Before I review this graphic novel, I have to make a confession – I love Battlestar Galactica. Whether it is the original show from my childhood in the 1970s, the different comic versions (Yes, even the Image ones), the Richard Hatch novels, or the 2004 reboot, I just love them all. Somehow the stor...
Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Based on the old series, an electrical storm sees them going off course and encountering some strange goings on, many of the crew are having unsettling dreams of the 13th Colony, more commonly known as e...
I must admit, that I had the new series in my mind when I saw this graphic book on Netgalley and was a bit disappointed when I saw that it was about the original tv-series. But as I read on I discovered that I actually enjoyed the volume more than I expected that I would do. I would probably under...
Oh man, where to start with this particular book. The cover art illustrations are fine, as were the ones for the particular issues, but what happened with the rest of the artwork in this volume, particularly in the middle and towards the end panels? It's terribly inconsistent throughout the volume...
Originally Reviewed At: Mother/Gamer/WriterRating: 4 out of 5 ControllersReview Source: NetGalleyReviewer: MeI will go ahead and readily admit this…I really like Dejah Thoris. In all honesty, I do not give two flips about what she is – or in most cases – isn’t wearing. Dejah is fun to read and follo...
My husband and I saw the John Carter movie and thought it was reasonably good. I didn’t expect the movie to hold true to the book, but I didn’t expect to dislike the book quite so much. Pulp fiction clearly doesn’t work for me, but apparently I’m as much a sucker for Dejah Thoris’ lovely face and je...
Originally Reviewed At: Mother/Gamer/WriterRating: 4.5 out of 5 ControllersReview Source: NetGalleyReviewer: MeIt’s no secret how much I adore the Warlord of Mars Series and lore created by Edgar Rice Burroughs. With that being said, I love the vast ways in which the stories of our beloved character...