Robert Silverberg is one of science fiction all time greats, there is no doubt about that in my mind. He belongs up there with Asimov, Clarke, Heinlein etc. If you have never heard of him it would be because he is the most criminally underrated sf authors ever. I have said virtually the same thing ...
"The sensory shutdown is not always a willed event, naturally. It happens to us whether we like it or not. If we don't climb into the box ourselves, we'll get shoved in anyway. That's what I mean about entropy inevitably nailing us all in the long run. No matter how vital, how vigorous, how world-de...
This is a very good down-to-earth SF novel; no ray guns, no spaceships. Think Portnoy's Complaint with telepathy!
It's an interesting concept, and the story is told nicely.We follow Selig in the present with flashbacks of the past in between these chapters. What I especially liked is that these chapters telling his past aren't in a chronological order, and they are built up very well. For example, I couldn't wa...