I found that there was much more to this than a simple story of deception. It addresses so many other phenomena that we have given names and attributed qualities to and are unable to see as anything else than what we know.INVENTED REALITY vs (F)ACTUAL REALITYIn a world of internet and virtual commun...
How I feel about September 11th: How I feel about Tania Head and her bowl full of cray-cray: I watched the documentary the night it aired, and I felt compelled to read the book. The Woman Who Wasn't There was both fascinating and incredibly horrible. To think this woman victimized the...
[Non-fiction] The subtitle reads: 'The True Story of an Incredible Deception'. When I picked up this book, I was under the impression that this woman suffered such traumatic stress from having gone through (survived) September 11, that she blanked out, and on account of mental and emotional self-pre...
Wow, wow, wow...just when you thought some people couldn't figure out new ways to be skeezy, a book comes out proving me wrong. Once I was finally able to sit down and start reading it, I couldn't put it down. I wanted to make sure that I read this as a companion to the Investigative Discovery show ...