Robin Slick is a raging liberal living in downtown Philadelphia who wishes she could jump in a time machine and travel to London where she'd party with the Beatles, Eric Clapton, and all of their pals in the late sixties. She is the writer of several published short stories and novels, a nominee...
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Robin Slick is a raging liberal living in downtown Philadelphia who wishes she could jump in a time machine and travel to London where she'd party with the Beatles, Eric Clapton, and all of their pals in the late sixties. She is the writer of several published short stories and novels, a nominee for a Best American Short Story award, former fiction editor at both NFG Magazine and Philadelphia Stories, but sadly is probably most well known as the mother of Eric Slick, drummer for Dr. Dog, and Julie Slick, solo artist and bassist for the Adrian Belew Power Trio. Visit her on the web at to check out various interviews, reviews, and links to published works.Her interests include rock music, world travel, TM, and eating/cooking gourmet vegetarian meals.She also loves dogs more than people but does not like cats though she should have one, given the fact that she has an unnatural fear of mice.Robin is currently busy at work on her new series, Moon Traveler, in which young woman down on her luck is startled to learn that she is a Moon Traveler -- one of twelve people worldwide who can astrally project themselves at night and alter personal and universal history with both humorous and disastrous results.Moon Traveler, Book One, is a kleine novelle (Amsterdam speak for tiny novel), written in the old comic book style of good vs evil with cliff hanger endings and a new novelle published each month. Readers are encouraged to actively participate, and those whose ideas are incorporated will be given a free download and their name used as a character if they so desire. It is envisioned as a jam session for both other writers and readers to chill out and have some fun. So read Book One, contact Robin at and tell her where you would like to see Kate travel next
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