by Kristen Ashley
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I thought this was cute overall. I didn't like the way the author generalized people by racial stereotypes at times, but I thought the main characters were good. It's a good start to series and I'm really interested in seeing the other characters get their stories.
I would really like to know, why authors think they need to write a 400-some page book, when they would have writen a perfectly fine 200-some page book? Seriously? This is not the only book where I find my self thinking that.I was perfectly happy and entertained by the 50% mark. And it wasn't like n...
I think I should have started with this Rock Chick series by Kristen Ashley before I read any of her other works. This, for me, was very tame. After reading some of her more recent books, like, Breathe, for example, this just didn't really hold up for me. However, besides the lack of sexy timez, I d...
This was a fun, laugh out loud, romance. I loved that Indy wasn't a 20-something year old but a 30 year old woman who doesn't want to grow up. She reminded me a little of Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum. As a woman who has and will always have a soft spot for Guns n Roses and Metallica, I LOVED the...
Read June 25 - June 26 2012
Re-Read Update: I woke up on Sunday (01/13/13) and finished a book with so much potential but ended up being a pretty bad book. I scrolled and scrolled and scrolled through my TBR list and came up wanting EVERY SINGLE TIME! Now, we all know there are way too many books and not enough time but I was ...
This book was pretty good. Indy was really childish, but for some reason it didn't bug me. I kept thinking to myself "I should be pissed off by now, this is ridiculous!" but she never pissed me off.
April 11-12, 2012OK there are so many things I LOVED about this book.Firstly:The history between the characters in this book.Indy and Liam (Lee) have know each other... forever. She's been in love with him since she was 5 years old (since he held her hand at her Mother's funeral).Indy and Ally have ...