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Rogue Grooms - Amanda McCabe
Rogue Grooms
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Together for the first time, two of Amanda McCabe's most captivating regency classics... Lady Rogue and The Star of India In Lady Rogue, Georgina Beaumont is a fiery spirit who believes that she doesn't need a man to make her happy. For Alexander Kenton, the Duke of Wayland, this is startling... show more
Together for the first time, two of Amanda McCabe's most captivating regency classics... Lady Rogue and The Star of India In Lady Rogue, Georgina Beaumont is a fiery spirit who believes that she doesn't need a man to make her happy. For Alexander Kenton, the Duke of Wayland, this is startling news since he's fallen for Georgina, and needs her hand to regain his place in society, if she'll take it... The Star of India is a jewel that's been kept with Lady Emily Kenton since her childhood friend, the Earl of Darlinghurst, left for India at age eight. Will the longing they've harbored for all these years fall to ruin when he learns of the terrible secret she bears regarding the jewels?
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Format: paperback
ISBN: 9780451230461 (0451230469)
ASIN: 451230469
Publisher: Signet
Pages no: 448
Edition language: English
Other editions (2)
Books by Amanda McCabe
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