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Rosa Montero - Community Reviews back

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El dragón soñador
El dragón soñador rated it 11 years ago
Sí, el título sale en ¿Sueñan los androides con ovejas eléctricas? (más conocido como Blade Runner), pero antes que eso, es una frase de Shakespeare, como se dice en el libro (en Blade Runner).
coffee & ink
coffee & ink rated it 12 years ago
It sounds like Blade Runner fan fiction. It has a blurb from Ursula Le Guin. It is one of the rare examples of sf translated from another language.Let's see how it goes.
kathymartin9237 rated it 12 years ago
This was an entertaining science fiction mystery that was as much an exploration of what it means to live with an expiration date as mystery. Bruna Husky is a replicant. Replicants were created to do the dangerous, undesirable tasks in life. They were created to have a limited lifespan. Bruna was a ...
Reflections rated it 12 years ago
This engrossing, thought provoking, Blade Runner inspired, Sci-Fi detective novel by Spanish author Rosa Montero held me from beginning to end. With thorough world-building, multi-dimensional characterizations, and a detailed and suspenseful plot, Tears in Rain explores the complexities and psycholo...
gavingrant rated it 13 years ago
Completely apposite title. Gangsters, magicians, and kids.
kelian rated it 13 years ago
Lágrimas en la lluvia, de Rosa Montero,  es un guiño literario al clásico del cine Blade Runner. En este mismo título está implícito el homenaje, ya que está tomado de uno de los diálogos más conocidos de la película.Año 2019, y ya no estamos solos en la Galaxia. Existen los replicantes, o tecnohuma...
wodehousing rated it 14 years ago
A Spanish novel, and I don’t think it’s been translated into English. The title could be roughly translated into “The Transparent King’s Story”. I was given this as a gift ages ago, and only now (having a hankering for historical fiction that I could not resist) read it. I cannot believe it took me ...
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