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A very fluffy, no drama, angst-free romance. So many wasted opportunities for a bit more tension, while what was "dramatic", ended up being annoying whining and uncertainty from the heroine. Poor communication between characters and stilted dialogue. Drew at least was consistently written, but th...
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I really like this series. I love character driven romances and this book is that. It has a wonderful setting and wonderful setting with the bonus of rugby!
I really like this series. I love character driven romances and this book is that. It has a wonderful setting and wonderful setting with the bonus of rugby!
This was a toughie to rate. There wasn't anything inherently wrong with it, but it was kind of boring. What I liked: The New Zealand culture was pretty vivid, and the way the dialogue was written, I could practically hear the accents. Loved that. The story itself, however, was just okay. A con...