Rose In Bloom: A Sequel To Eight Cousins
9781438295688 (1438295685)
Edition language: English
Series: Eight Cousins (#2)
If a book leaves you with a stupid happy smile as it ends. It may as well deserve 5 stars.What a beautiful simple story to be told.
Rose in Bloom covers a relatively brief period in the life of Rose Campbell. It picks up, not right after Eight Cousins ends, but between a year and eighteen months later. The time that is left unnarrated involved a lengthy trip to Europe taken by Rose, Uncle Alec and Phebe, Rose's maid-and-unoffici...
Both Rose and her cousins are almost too good to be true, but that doesn't matter, because one doesn't read LMA to get realism, but rather to escape real life for awhile and disappear into a world where people are just generally kind, and if not it's because of lack of thought rather than any real i...