Rosemary McCracken is a Canadian crime fiction writer. Her first Pat Tierney mystery novel, SAFE HARBOR, was shortlisted for Britain's Debut Dagger and published by Imajin Books in 2012. Its sequel, BLACK WATER, was released in 2013. "The Sweetheart Scamster," a Pat Tierney short story in the...
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Rosemary McCracken is a Canadian crime fiction writer. Her first Pat Tierney mystery novel, SAFE HARBOR, was shortlisted for Britain's Debut Dagger and published by Imajin Books in 2012. Its sequel, BLACK WATER, was released in 2013. "The Sweetheart Scamster," a Pat Tierney short story in the anthology THIRTEEN, was a 2014 Derringer finalist. Jack Batten, the Toronto Star's crime fiction reviewer, calls Pat "a hugely attractive sleuth figure."Visit Rosemary's blog,, and her website,
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