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Rosemary's Baby - Community Reviews back

by Ira Levin
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Lillelara rated it 7 years ago
I have never watched the Mia Farrow movie adaption of this book, but I know that is a classic horror movie. Because of that I´m surprised that this book left me with lukewarm feelings. My main issue with this book was that the strong and intense second part of the novel was bogged down by the lame...
pedestrienne rated it 7 years ago
All they eat in this book is milk and meat and starch.Just as long as it needs to be, with a sense of spiraling claustrophobia and absurdity. I need to read more Ira Levin.
Murder, She Reads
Murder, She Reads rated it 8 years ago
Rosemary's Baby is not very scary but it was pretty strange and I enjoyed it. Rosemary and her husband were really wanting to get into the Bramford apartment complex and right when they had signed a lease on another apartment it becomes available and Rosemary begs her husband Guy to get them out of ...
The better to see you, my dear
The better to see you, my dear rated it 8 years ago
I think I remember some comments about how the movie was a campy style of horror. It left me completely unprepared for this read.This is horror alright. I'm unsettled while writing this, actually. I think it's that most of it is more or less plausible. You take away the supernatural bits, and it wou...
mollysmommyreads rated it 9 years ago
So good! Also terrifying and disturbing. But really good!
Read All The Things! Reviews
Read All The Things! Reviews rated it 9 years ago
I’m going to avoid huge spoilers, but this review might be a tiny bit spoilery. Rosemary’s Baby was first published in 1967 and is one of the most influential horror novels in the genre. I’m assuming that a lot of people already know the general story. I knew the entire plot of the book before I rea...
GOMER rated it 10 years ago
A Constant Reader
A Constant Reader rated it 10 years ago
Reseña en español de La Semilla del Diablo en el blog: Click aquíRosemary's baby is considered a classic of horror literature but the truth is I've never heard of it until Goodreads recommended it to me (yeah I know, shame on me). I read many positive reviews both for the book and the movie so I had...
Cody's Bookshelf
Cody's Bookshelf rated it 10 years ago
I consider myself to be a pretty big horror junkie, so naturally I read a good deal of horror fiction. However, somehow I never read Ira Levin's 1966 novel Rosemary's Baby before now. By now almost everyone knows the plot of this one thanks to the famous movie adaptation starring Mia Farrow: a yo...
markgilchrist rated it 11 years ago
I can't believe it's taken me so long to read this! A classic indeed. The story had me gripped, and I was surprised how short the book appeared to be. Without revealing too much, for those as late to the party as me, the end had me slightly suprised. But, then again, it works!
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