by Vanessa North
Eddie Russell is many things: A wealthy pillar of the community. An outrageous flirt. A doting best friend. A masochist with a kink for brawling with his bedmates. But he is definitely not a man who invites intimacy. His friends are close but few, his lovers rarer still.When Eddie runs his Mercedes ...
We've got Eddie's story. A forty something man who is a proud force of nature. He meets a younger, hottie named Wish. I was totally in love with the fact that they were so unapologetic concerning their matching kink. So the love scenes are not too many or over written. Our MCs were able to focus on ...
4,5 starsAfter Double Up I wanted Eddie’s story so much!!Eddie is amazing.. He’s rich but also caring. One day he meets his “hard-hat-angel”, Wish. Wish is construction worker and he’s quite younger than Eddie. Eddie tries to holds off any relationship because of the age-gap but soon they discover t...
It was my first book by Vanessa North, and I have to admit that I liked it more than I actually expected when I picked it up. If I have to express my feeling about the book in one word, I would choose NICE. The story was light, easy, drama- and trouble-free - nice.The main characters were likable, v...