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Rowan Speedwell
An unrepentant biblioholic, Rowan Speedwell spends half her time pretending to be a law librarian, half her time pretending to be a database manager, half her time pretending to be a fifteenth-century Aragonese noblewoman, half her time... wait a minute... Hmm. Well, one thing she doesn't... show more

An unrepentant biblioholic, Rowan Speedwell spends half her time pretending to be a law librarian, half her time pretending to be a database manager, half her time pretending to be a fifteenth-century Aragonese noblewoman, half her time... wait a minute... Hmm. Well, one thing she doesn't pretend to be is good at math. She is good at pretending, though. In her copious spare time (hah) she does needlework, calligraphy and illumination, and makes jewelry. She has a master's degree in history from the University of Chicago, is a member of the Society for Creative Anachronism, and lives in a Chicago suburb with the obligatory Writer's Cat and way too many books.
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Birth date: October 16
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Cat's Books: Romance
Cat's Books: Romance rated it 7 years ago
He wanted to learn about beauty. He never expected to learn about love.Billionaire Chandler Harrison’s third marriage is now history, and he’s left with his ex-wife’s parting barb, 'You have no appreciation of beauty.' Determined to prove her wrong, Chandler hires artist Neil Sweeney to add a mural ...
Say... Kiri!
Say... Kiri! rated it 8 years ago
Avevo nel Kobo questo libro da parecchio tempo, da quando è uscito, lo avevo preso colpita dalla trama e desiderosa di iniziarlo in tempi brevi o almeno... era quello che speravo... purtroppo non sono mai stata molto puntuale nelle letture e anzi spesso e volentieri purtroppo mi dimentico completame...
Elaine White's Life in Books
Elaine White's Life in Books rated it 8 years ago
Book – Angel VoicesAuthor – Rowan SpeedwellStar rating - ★★★★★No. of Pages – 56Cover – Gorgeous! (But is it awful that the guy totally looks like Fred/George Wesley?)POV – 3rd person, dual POVWould I read it again – Yes!Genre – LGBT, Christmas, Holiday, Family, Homophobia** COPY RECEIVED THROUGH NET...
Blue Cat Review
Blue Cat Review rated it 9 years ago
This was a really good book. Full review forthcoming.My Review:I received this book from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I am not being compensated in any way. All opinions are fully my own.~Judi E. EasleyThis was a pleasant read. It is what I call light reading. A nove...
makhda rated it 9 years ago
Damn... How I love opposite-attracts plot! I should've had that shelf. It works well with them. Thank you, Van. You're right. It was fun. ;)
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