by Sara Jane Stone
SPOILER SPOILER One more night. Don't waste it I saw a post at one of the blog tours for Serving Trouble and a link to this FREE prequel novella, and I immediately clicked "Buy" at Amazon without even looking at the blurb. Well, apparently this prequel was really, a PREQUEL. For the hero and heroine...
Running Wild by Sara Jane Stone was off to an awesome start. Till I got to the end, which is a bit cliffhangerish. Running Wild is a well written book that ended too soon. I liked the characters and learning what motivates Josie and learning about her and Noah's past. Running Wild is a fairly qu...
Noah and Josie both are attracted from afar, but up close. He is her brother's best friend and should not make a move on her. After she has a problem with her ex, and trusts him to handle it they forge a bond. Josie finds everything he does and says to her personal. He is her dream lover, a fan...