Russell Martin directed and produced the award-winning documentary film BEAUITUFL FACES, which received the Humanitarian Outstanding Achievement Award from the Accolade Global Film Awards and is being broadcast by television stations around the world. He produced and co-wrote the award-winning...
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Russell Martin directed and produced the award-winning documentary film BEAUITUFL FACES, which received the Humanitarian Outstanding Achievement Award from the Accolade Global Film Awards and is being broadcast by television stations around the world. He produced and co-wrote the award-winning documentary film TWO SPIRITS, which was featured on the PBS series "Indepdendent Lens" and won the 2011 season's Audience Award.He has written for Time, the New York Times, New York Times Magazine, and National Public Radio, and is the award-winning, internationally published author of two critically acclaimed novels, THE SORROW OF ARCHAEOLOGY and BEAUTIFUL ISLANDS, as well as many nonfiction books. His nonfiction book BEETHOVEN'S HAIR, a United States bestseller and a Washington Post Book of the Year, has been published in twenty-one translated editions and is the subject of a Gemini-award-winning film of the same name. His highly acclaimed book PICASSO'S WAR has been published in seven international editions; OUT OF SILENCE, was named by the Bloomsbury Review as one of fifteen best books of its first fifteen years of publication, and A STORY THAT STANDS LIKE A DAM: Glen Canyon and the Struggle for the Soul of the West, won the Caroline Bancroft History Prize.His books have been optioned by Robert Redford's Wildwood Enterprises, the Denver Center Theatre Company, and New World Television. He is, says Kirkus Reviews, "first and foremost a masterful storyteller."When he was awarded an honorary doctorate by Colorado College in 1995, the citation read, in part, "Mr. Martin offers to general audiences precise and accurate, but highly readable, studies of extraordinarily complex issues. He does more: he sees beyond what is already known; he moves beyond synthesis to new insights. His work is disciplined, analytical, and creative. It is also profoundly humane."
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