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Audience: Young Adult Farway is part of a crack team that travels back in time to liberate priceless artifacts before they are destroyed or lost to disaster. On an expedition to the Titanic, another time traveler (Eliot) takes the piece they were there to retrieve. Eliot says all she wants is to b...
[I received a copy of this book through Netgalley.]What I liked:- The beginning. Of course, you can tell immediately where this is going, and that there’s going to be another proposal to offset the bad news, and you can guess what that proposal will be, but it’s OK because it’s why you’re reading th...
Review: Invictus I received a copy from Netgalley. I snagged this one as a read it now title. I'd heard a lot of buzz on this book and to be honest it didn't really interest me having seen a lot of Firefly comparisons and I've never seen an episode or been interested in the show. But then I saw ...
This was Time, Multiverse, Alt-Life done right....ohhhh so right! If not for the slow beginning and the fleching annoying, made up curse words this would have definitely been rated higher. I do love a good Time Travel book and this wasn't good, it was GREAT!! After the slow as molasses (and just as ...
This really is a *HASHING amazing book. Through the storytelling by Ryan Graudin and sheer expanse of time traveled, it feels epic. I pre-ordered 'Invictus' based on the recommendations of authors of the book, the intriguing one-liner, and feeling that the title implied a novel of immense proportion...