I was born in the fall of 1969 in Michigan. I grew up surrounded by books, pretty much all piled and stacked in my room. I had bookshelves to hold them since I could remember. Christmas and birthdays were easy, just buy me books.My tastes in subject matter and genres grew as I matured.It seemed...
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I was born in the fall of 1969 in Michigan. I grew up surrounded by books, pretty much all piled and stacked in my room. I had bookshelves to hold them since I could remember. Christmas and birthdays were easy, just buy me books.My tastes in subject matter and genres grew as I matured.It seemed only natural to write as well as read. The first book I wrote was at age ten and was about a twelve page story that I also illustrated and stapled together into book format. I was so proud! If only I still had that about somewhere.Since then, I never stopped writing. Some articles made it into magazines, some stories made honorable mention in contests, my journal has grown thicker and thicker. Writing poetry also serves as therapy to life's hurts, a trait allegedly inherited from my dad's aunt. Writers, poets and songwriters run through my lineage. Though many of us are 'wordsmiths' I do believe I am the first to publish a serious work of fiction.In 2012, selling "Whispers in her Heart" for publication has been not only a dream come true of becoming a novelist, but also a pinnicle of thirty odd years of writing. I can't wait to do it again!UPDATE !! What a way to start a new year! January 2014 I have signed with Soul Mate Publishing of New York to release 'Shimmers of Stardust', my second romance novel. It is slated for e-book release in September 2014 and paperback afterward. So be on the look out for details as they develop!
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