When I first saw the cover I thought 'This book is going to be great!'. While the cover might look really cool, when you look closer you see it's also odd and vaguely creepy. That's a really good way to sum up this book. The narrator was in a really odd place and everyone she met came across as just...
Just ehhhhhhhhhhh no. No. N-O. NO.Felt VERY bland from what I remember. Character were cliched and VERY FLAT. Angela just felt like she was everyone's beyotch and was her only interesting point was the fact she could not die, even including her suicide attempts that failed, like, um, what? I'm sorry...
Anche se poteva avere una trama interessante il libro in se è sconclusionato, privo di una logica lineare e pieno di confusione.Ho fatto molta fatica a seguire i dialoghi, "trame" e relazione tra i personaggi: innanzi tutto le scelte della protagonista sono prive senso (prede una decisone: non entre...
I decided for 2012 to start a DNF finish shelf instead of quietly deleting books I couldn't get into and didn't finish.The cover drew me in. I love this cover. The synopsis of the book looked interesting too. However, I find myself unable to concentrate and my mind keep wondering. There are mult...
The world of Archon is a strange and dark version of our own, I think. Some things seem familiar but with a darker, more sinister feel. This is a world where "blood heads" - redheads are viewed with fear and suspicion because of a prophecy. Angela Mathers has had a tough life - apparently due mostly...
I'm totally the type of person who often picks books based on cover first, and synopsis later. This stunning cover and synopsis had me hooked right from the start, I just had to read it. Unfortunately the warning "Don't judge a book by it's cover." is something that should have been considered here....
I wanted to really like this book, I fell in love with the cover and the idea of the story, but as I started reading this, I felt that I had to pull out a sheet of paper and starting making a family tree of sorts, since there seem to be too many characters to follow and trying to figure out where th...
While this book was good, it left me with far more questions than it did answers. I know that it is the first book in a trilogy, so I didn’t expect to have the events in the book all wrapped up in a neat bow by the end. But this book left me with question all throughout the book as opposed to at t...
I love this cover!