by Terry Pratchett, Gray Jolliffe, Marguerite Schneider-English
As a birthday present to myself I purchased a number of books. I only bought funny ones, because I'm rarely in the mood to go back and read a grim one. This has been on my list for quite a while, and now I have it. And I love it because it is silly, and you can read it in about fifteen minutes, and ...
I enjoyed this book thoroughly for so many reasons: 1. It is a slim volume not even 130 pages long. I think the short length works in favor of the book, making it funnier. 2. It is so funny! The humor reminded me of Roald Dahl who is an all-time favorite of mine. 3. It has all these sly refere...
I've been in a funk the past few days. One of my contract jobs came to an abrupt end this week. It's one of those things that happen that have nothing to do with the job or the person doing it (thank god). A board somewhere off in the distance made an accounting decision. So for the foreseeabl...
This wasn’t brilliant, but it was a fun read. It’s basically just Terry Pratchett telling stories about cats and describing what a Real cat is like. There’s also some speculation about Schrödinger cats and what dog-replacement cat breeds might be like (that is, if cats had been bred in the same wa...
Kind of an odd book until you really think about it. Terry Pratchett is a master of humour but this book lacks it, somewhat. Maybe not actual humour itself, but the amount of it you find elsewhere.I dislike cats though not enough to do anything about it but even I can see their wonderful attributes ...
The other day I was stuck in the truly scintillating town of Ringwood, Dorset. I had promised myself that I would buy no more books. But there is literally no other shop of interest in Ringwood apart from the local bookshop, Paperview, and so, of course, I ended up in there and had a bit of a surpri...
For example, if you put an unReal cat down in front of a row of bowls of catfood it will obediently choose the one made by the sponsors of the ad even if all the others haven't got sump oil on them. A Real cat, on the other hand, will head for the most expensive regardless, pull it out onto the stud...
Real cats are survivalists. They've got it down to a fine art. What other animal gets fed, not because it's useful, or guards the house, or sings, but because when it does get fed it looks pleased? And purrs.Humorous look at cat behaviour. A quick read.
It is a commonly known fact among those that travel to the Disc that Death likes cats.Honestly, the quickest way to get Death angry is to be mean to a cat.Somehow this doesn't make losing a beloved cat any eaiser, but reading this book sure did make me laugh (and made me feel a little better. Pratc...
Entertaining for a dull and rainy Saturday afternoon.