by Cayla Kluver
Sacrifice is a very bittersweet ending to a wonderful series. As the characters adjust to their new reality we get to see not only Alera's struggles by Shaselle's as well. Having more than one POV is new to this series but overall I think it worked out well. At times I felt Shaselle's input was unne...
Posted on Dark Faerie Tales.It’s not a secret that I’m a fan of Cayla Kluver and her Legacy series. When I was given a copy of Sacrifice, the third and final book in the series, I jumped for joy. I couldn’t wait to see where Alera would take me next, in her not so normal life, built around a fantast...
Considering this was my most anticipated read in 2012, I feel I have a right to feel so slighted and disappointed by the way it turned out, so bear with me if I get a little too harsh on my criticims:)Not only did it not continue in the venue of the second book, where Alera finally turned from a hes...