Door 10: Russian Mothers' Day Book: Read a book featuring a character who is a mother. "Grandmothers" is one of those books that makes me want to shout, "THIS! THIS is what makes reading such a gift." Salley Vickers' writing lit up my imagination, making me feel insightful and connected and s...
I'm planning out my 2020 reading challenge(s), and I decided I'm going to read all of Tracy Chevalier's books (the ones I haven't already read). To try and give myself a jump start, I thought I'd give these short stories a read. I started with Tracy Chevalier's and it wasn't bad (not great either, b...
bookshelves: paper-read, one-penny-wonder, published-1955, amusing, cover-love, spring-2013 Recommended to ☯Bettie☯ by: Ali Read from April 17 to 29, 2013 Opening: A confused impression of English tourists shuffling around a church in Ravenna, peering at mosaics, came to Catherine Oliphant as s...
I find it much better than the much-hailed 'Miss Garnet's Angel' (which I believe most people liked for its setting). Reminds me of Carol Shields. Quick (devoured in a day) yet quality read.
Sweet story about an older english woman finding out about living and life through Venice, some of the people living there and the book of Tobit. Nothing too deep. A great holiday book.